Custom views

When the template views are not enough for your purposes, you can define your own custom views. There are two ways of doing this. The first possibility is to customize the template views. You would then keep the basic structure and design of a template view and change selected parts of it. Since all predefined template views consist of modular predefined view elements, you can often modularly assemble and tweak your desired view functionality based on slight changes of the template views. The other, more radical method is to define a completely new view from scratch.

Customizing template views

Each template view consists of three elements, which jointly define its appearance and functionality:

  1. stimulus container: defines the top part of the screen, containing stuff like title, the QUD, the stimulus to be shown etc.
  2. answer container: defines the lower part of the screen, containing the answer options, 'next' buttons, etc.
  3. handle response function: function that is called to handle the response

Each one of these elements is independently customizable. Indeed, when a template view is created by _magpie "behind the scenes", it simply uses defaults for these three elements which are appropriate for the template view to be created. For example, we would normally create a template forced_choice view like so:

const forced_choice_instance = magpieViews.view_generator(
    // config information
        trials: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice.length,
        name: 'rebuilt_FC',
        data: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice

Equivalently, we could write this:

const forced_choice_instance = magpieViews.view_generator(
   // config information
        trials: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice.length,
        name: 'rebuilt_FC',
        data: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice
    // custom generator functions
        stimulus_container_generator: stimulus_container_generators.basic_stimulus,
        answer_container_generator: answer_container_generators.button_choice,
        handle_response_function: handle_response_functions.button_choice

Here, we supply a third object with custom generator functions, one for each of the three elements. Since the second code box just uses the defaults which are implicit in the first, the two calls are equivalent. The description of template views lists which view elements each template view uses. All predefined view elements are listed and shown below.

The stimulus generator function used by the template forced_choice view is this:

function (config, CT) {
        return `<div class='magpie-view'>
                    <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>${config.title}</h1>
                    <p class='magpie-view-question magpie-view-qud'>${[CT].QUD}</p>
                    <div class='magpie-view-stimulus-container'>
                        <div class='magpie-view-stimulus magpie-nodisplay'></div>

Generally, the function supplied to stimulus_container_generator must take the config object and a CT argument. The latter is the current trial, and it is supplied by _magpie internally. The function should then return HTML code as a string, which governs the appearance of the upper part of the view screen. You can use information from config and CT, so that when we write ${[CT].QUD} in the HTML string to be returned this is replaced by the QUD information stored in config for the current trial. Notice that the picture element is inserted automatically by _magpie in the magpie-view-stimulus container.

We can specify whatever we'd like to appear in the stimulus container. For example, let's insert the same picture twice. This can be done by instantiating a customized template view like so:

const forced_choice_customized = magpieViews.view_generator(
    // config information
        trials: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice.length,
        name: 'rebuilt_FC',
        data: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice
    // custom generator functions
        stimulus_container_generator: function (config, CT) {
            return `<div class='magpie-view'>
                      <div class='magpie-view-stimulus-container'>
                        <img src="${[CT].picture}" height="42" width="42">
                        <img src="${[CT].picture}" height="42" width="42">

We can also change the design and behavior of the part of the view that deals with the response. Per default, the forced_choice view uses a predefined function button_choice to have the user select one of two buttons. Suppose we wanted to have a third button. We could then use code like the following (which only works, if we define option3 in 04_trials.js as well, of course):

const forced_choice_customized = magpieViews.view_generator(
    // config information
        trials: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice.length,
        name: 'rebuilt_FC',
        data: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice
    // custom generator functions
      answer_container_generator: function (config, CT) {
       return `<div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
               <p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>
               <label for='o1' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].option1}</label>
               <input type='radio' name='answer' id='o1' value=${[CT].option1} />
               <label for='o2' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].option2}</label>
               <input type='radio' name='answer' id='o2' value=${[CT].option2} />
               <label for='o2' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].option3}</label>
               <input type='radio' name='answer' id='o3' value=${[CT].option3} />

If we want to have more than one answer within the same view, we can of course also do so. There are only a few things which we have to keep in mind. The id of each input has to be unique, so we have to make sure that we do not use the same ids in both answer blocks. Additionally, the two blocks also need to have different names. Another important thing is that we have to include style='display:none' for each input, so that the formatting does not get lost. Suppose we want to show a sentence with two dropdown menus, which have three choices each, the code could look like this:

const multi_choice_customized = magpieViews.view_generator(
    // config information
      trials: part_one_trial_info.multi_choice.length,
      name: 'rebuilt_FC',
      data: part_one_trial_info.multi_choice
  // custom generator functions
  answer_container_generator: function (config, CT) {
    return `<div class='magpie-view-answer-container magpie-response-multi-dropdown'>
          <div class= 'response-table'>
            <input type='radio' name='answer1' id='o1' style='display:none' value=${[CT].choice_options_1[0]} />
            <label for='o1' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].choice_options_1[0]}</label>
            <input type='radio' name='answer1' id='o2' style='display:none' value=${[CT].choice_options_1[1]} />
            <label for='o2' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].choice_options_1[1]}</label>
            <input type='radio' name='answer1' id='o3' style='display:none' value=${[CT].choice_options_1[2]} />
            <label for='o3' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].choice_options_1[2]}</label>
          <div class= 'response-table'>
            <input type='radio' name='answer2' id='p1' style='display:none' value=${[CT].choice_options_2[0]} />
            <label for='p1' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].choice_options_2[0]}</label>
            <input type='radio' name='answer2' id='p2' style='display:none' value=${[CT].choice_options_2[1]} />
            <label for='p2' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].choice_options_2[1]}</label>
            <input type='radio' name='answer2' id='p3' style='display:none' value=${[CT].choice_options_2[2]} />
            <label for='p3' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].choice_options_2[2]}</label>

It is possible to supply a completely new type of response variable via the function specified for answer_container_generator. However, you might need to make sure that the data is handled correctly. This is the job of the final third element you can use to customize a template view, namely handle_response_function. In other words, often the two design elements answer_container_generator and handle_response_function might need to be adjusted to each other.

The handle_response_function used per default in the forced_choice view is this:

function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {

    // create the answer container
    $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

    // attaches an event listener to the radio button input
    // when an input is selected a response property with a value equal
    // to the answer is added to the trial object
    // as well as a readingTimes property with value
    $("input[name=answer]").on("change", function() {
    const RT = - startingTime;
    let trial_data = {
        trial_number: CT + 1,
        response: $("input[name=answer]:checked").val(),
        RT: RT
    trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);


When this function is called (automatically by _magpie) it first creates the answer container. It also adds an event listener. Here, it reacts when a button is pressed, but this behavior needs to be coordinated with whatever you define in the answer_container_generator part. It then records the trial time and assembles the data to be recorded in the variable trial_data. By default, _magpie automatically adds all the data for the current trial to this object and then pushes this to its internal representation of the accumulated data so far which is in magpie.trial_data. The function magpie.findNextView is then called and takes you to the next trial or view.

When you write your own custom handle_response_function you should supply the same arguments as the function above. You should also make sure to record the data and call magpie.findNextView eventually. Other than this, you could implement a more dynamic display of different pictures and response options, using the interplay of answer_container_generator and handle_response_function, for example.

If you write longer custom functions for customization, it is good practice to put these into the file 02_custom_functions.js. An example is presented in the showroom.

Predefined view elements
Stimulus container generators

The following predefined stimulus container generators are available. The template wrapping views and trial views defined in _magpie all use one of these, as listed here.

// The view template dict contains a generator function for every view type we support
// The generator gets the config dict and CT as input and will generate the magpie-view HTML code
// (Some view templates are the same, e.g. forced_choice and sliderRating)
const stimulus_container_generators = {
    basic_stimulus: function (config, CT) {
        return `<div class='magpie-view'>
                    <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>${config.title}</h1>
                    <p class='magpie-view-question magpie-view-qud'>${[CT].QUD}</p>
                    <div class='magpie-view-stimulus-container'>
                        <div class='magpie-view-stimulus magpie-nodisplay'></div>
    key_press: function(config, CT) {
        return `<div class="magpie-view">
                    <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>${config.title}</h1>
                    <p class='magpie-response-keypress-header'>
                    <strong>${[CT].key1}</strong> = ${[CT][[CT].key1]},
                    <strong>${[CT].key2}</strong> = ${[CT][[CT].key2]}</p>
                    <div class='magpie-view-stimulus-container'>
                        <div class='magpie-view-stimulus magpie-nodisplay'></div>
    fixed_text: function(config, CT) {
        return `<div class='magpie-view'>
                    <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>${config.title}</h1>
                    <section class="magpie-text-container">
                        <p class="magpie-view-text">${config.text}</p>
    post_test: function(config, CT) {
        return `<div class='magpie-view magpie-post-test-view'>
                    <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>${config.title}</h1>
                    <section class="magpie-text-container">
                        <p class="magpie-view-text">${config.text}</p>
    empty: function(config, CT) {
        return ``;
    self_paced_reading: function(config, CT) {
        const helpText =[CT].help_text !== undefined ?
  [CT].help_text : "Press the SPACE bar to reveal the words";
        return `<div class='magpie-view'>
                    <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>${config.title}</h1>
                    <p class='magpie-view-question magpie-view-qud'>${[CT].QUD}</p>
                    <div class='magpie-view-stimulus-container'>
                        <div class='magpie-view-stimulus magpie-nodisplay'></div>
                    <p class='magpie-help-text magpie-nodisplay'>${helpText}</p>
                    <p class='magpie-spr-sentence'></p>
Answer container generators

The following predefined answer container generators are available. The template wrapping views and trial views defined in _magpie all use one of these, as listed here.

// The answer container dict contains a generator function for every view type we support
// The generator gets the config dict and CT as input and will generate the magpie-view-answer-container HTML code
// (Some answer container elements should be the same, e.g. slider rating and SPR-slider rating)
const answer_container_generators = {
    button_choice: function (config, CT) {
        return `<div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
                    <p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>
                    <label for='o1' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].option1}</label>
                    <input type='radio' name='answer' id='o1' value=${[CT].option1} />
                    <input type='radio' name='answer' id='o2' value=${[CT].option2} />
                    <label for='o2' class='magpie-response-buttons'>${[CT].option2}</label>
    question: function(config, CT) {
        return `<div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
                        <p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>`;
    one_button: function (config, CT) {
        return `<button id="next" class='magpie-view-button' class="magpie-nodisplay">${
    post_test: function(config, CT) {
        const quest = magpieUtils.view.fill_defaults_post_test(config);
        return `<form>
                    <p class='magpie-view-text'>
                        <label for="age">${quest.age.title}:</label>
                        <input type="number" name="age" min="18" max="110" id="age" />
                    <p class='magpie-view-text'>
                        <label for="gender">${quest.gender.title}:</label>
                        <select id="gender" name="gender">
                            <option value="${quest.gender.male}">${quest.gender.male}</option>
                            <option value="${quest.gender.female}">${quest.gender.female}</option>
                            <option value="${quest.gender.other}">${quest.gender.other}</option>
                    <p class='magpie-view-text'>
                        <label for="education">${}:</label>
                        <select id="education" name="education">
                            <option value="${}">${}</option>
                            <option value="${}">${}</option>
                            <option value="${}">${}</option>
                    <p class='magpie-view-text'>
                        <label for="languages" name="languages">${quest.langs.title}:<br /><span>${quest.langs.text}</</span></label>
                        <input type="text" id="languages"/>
                    <p class="magpie-view-text">
                        <label for="comments">${quest.comments.title}</label>
                        <textarea name="comments" id="comments" rows="6" cols="40"></textarea>
                    <button id="next" class='magpie-view-button'>${config.button}</button>
    empty: function(config, CT) {
        return ``;
    slider_rating: function(config, CT) {
        const option1 =[CT].optionLeft;
        const option2 =[CT].optionRight;
        return `<p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>
                <div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
                    <span class='magpie-response-slider-option'>${option1}</span>
                    <input type='range' id='response' class='magpie-response-slider' min='0' max='100' value='50'/>
                    <span class='magpie-response-slider-option'>${option2}</span>
                <button id="next" class='magpie-view-button magpie-nodisplay'>Next</button>`;
    textbox_input: function(config, CT) {
        return `<p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>
                    <div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
                        <textarea name='textbox-input' rows=10 cols=50 class='magpie-response-text' />
                    <button id='next' class='magpie-view-button magpie-nodisplay'>next</button>`;
    dropdown_choice: function(config, CT) {
        const question_left_part =
  [CT].question_left_part === undefined ? "" :[CT].question_left_part;
        const question_right_part =
  [CT].question_right_part === undefined ? "" :[CT].question_right_part;
        const option1 =[CT].option1;
        const option2 =[CT].option2;
        return `<div class='magpie-view-answer-container magpie-response-dropdown'>
                    <select id='response' name='answer'>
                        <option disabled selected></option>
                        <option value=${option1}>${option1}</option>
                        <option value=${option2}>${option2}</option>
                    <button id='next' class='magpie-view-button magpie-nodisplay'>Next</button>

    rating_scale: function(config, CT) {
        return `<p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>
                <div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
                    <strong class='magpie-response-rating-option magpie-view-text'>${[CT].optionLeft}</strong>
                    <label for="1" class='magpie-response-rating'>1</label>
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" id="1" value="1" />
                    <label for="2" class='magpie-response-rating'>2</label>
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" id="2" value="2" />
                    <label for="3" class='magpie-response-rating'>3</label>
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" id="3" value="3" />
                    <label for="4" class='magpie-response-rating'>4</label>
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" id="4" value="4" />
                    <label for="5" class='magpie-response-rating'>5</label>
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" id="5" value="5" />
                    <label for="6" class='magpie-response-rating'>6</label>
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" id="6" value="6" />
                    <label for="7" class='magpie-response-rating'>7</label>
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" id="7" value="7" />
                    <strong class='magpie-response-rating-option magpie-view-text'>${[CT].optionRight}</strong>
    sentence_choice: function(config, CT) {
        return `<div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
                    <p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>
                    <label for='s1' class='magpie-response-sentence'>${[CT].option1}</label>
                    <input type='radio' name='answer' id='s1' value="${[CT].option1}" />
                    <label for='s2' class='magpie-response-sentence'>${[CT].option2}</label>
                    <input type='radio' name='answer' id='s2' value="${[CT].option2}" />
    image_selection: function(config, CT) {
        return    `<div class='magpie-view-answer-container'>
                        <p class='magpie-view-question'>${[CT].question}</p>
                        <label for="img1" class='magpie-view-picture magpie-response-picture'><img src=${[CT].picture1}></label>
                        <input type="radio" name="answer" id="img1" value="${[CT].option1}" />
                        <input type="radio" name="answer" id="img2" value="${[CT].option2}" />
                        <label for="img2" class='magpie-view-picture magpie-response-picture'><img src=${[CT].picture2}></label>
Handle response functions

The following predefined handle response functions are available. The template wrapping views and trial views defined in _magpie all use one of these, as listed here.

// The enable response dict contains a generator function for every view type we support
// The generator gets the config dict, CT, the answer_container_generator and the startingTime as input
const handle_response_functions = {
    button_choice: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {
        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        // attaches an event listener to the yes / no radio inputs
        // when an input is selected a response property with a value equal
        // to the answer is added to the trial object
        // as well as a readingTimes property with value
        $("input[name=answer]").on("change", function() {
            const RT = - startingTime;
            let trial_data = {
                trial_number: CT + 1,
                response: $("input[name=answer]:checked").val(),
                RT: RT

            trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);

    key_press: function (config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {

        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        const handleKeyPress = function(e) {
            const keyPressed = String.fromCharCode(

            if (keyPressed ===[CT].key1 || keyPressed ===[CT].key2) {
                let correctness;
                const RT = - startingTime; // measure RT before anything else

                if (
          [CT].expected ===
                ) {
                    correctness = "correct";
                } else {
                    correctness = "incorrect";

                let trial_data = {
                    trial_number: CT + 1,
                    key_pressed: keyPressed,
                    correctness: correctness,
                    RT: RT

                trial_data[[CT].key1] =
                trial_data[[CT].key2] =

                trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);

                $("body").off("keydown", handleKeyPress);

        $("body").on("keydown", handleKeyPress);
    intro: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {

        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        let prolificId;
        const prolificForm = `<p id="prolific-id-form">
                    <label for="prolific-id">Please, enter your Prolific ID</label>
                    <input type="text" id="prolific-id" />

        const next = $("#next");

        function showNextBtn() {
            if (prolificId.val().trim() !== "") {
            } else {

        if (magpie.deploy.deployMethod === "Prolific") {
            prolificId = $("#prolific-id");

            prolificId.on("keyup", function() {

            prolificId.on("focus", function() {

        // moves to the next view
        next.on("click", function() {
            if (magpie.deploy.deployMethod === "Prolific") {
                magpie.global_data.prolific_id = prolificId.val().trim();

    one_click: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {

        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        $("#next").on("click", function() {
    post_test: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {
        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        $("#next").on("click", function(e) {
            // prevents the form from submitting

            // records the post test info
            magpie.global_data.age = $("#age").val();
            magpie.global_data.gender = $("#gender").val();
   = $("#education").val();
            magpie.global_data.languages = $("#languages").val();
            magpie.global_data.comments = $("#comments")
            magpie.global_data.endTime =;
            magpie.global_data.timeSpent =
                (magpie.global_data.endTime -
                    magpie.global_data.startTime) /

            // moves to the next view
    thanks: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {
        const prolificConfirmText = magpieUtils.view.setter.prolificConfirmText(config.prolificConfirmText,
            "Please press the button below to confirm that you completed the experiment with Prolific");
        if (
            magpie.deploy.is_MTurk ||
            magpie.deploy.deployMethod === "directLink" ||
            magpie.deploy.deployMethod === "localServer"
        ) {
            // updates the fields in the hidden form with info for the MTurk's server
                `<div class='magpie-view magpie-thanks-view'>
                            <h2 id='warning-message' class='magpie-warning'>Submitting the data
                                <p class='magpie-view-text'>please do not close the tab</p>
                                <div class='magpie-loader'></div>
                            <h1 id='thanks-message' class='magpie-thanks magpie-nodisplay'>${
        } else if (magpie.deploy.deployMethod === "Prolific") {
                `<div class='magpie-view magpie-thanks-view'>
                            <h2 id='warning-message' class='magpie-warning'>Submitting the data
                                <p class='magpie-view-text'>please do not close the tab</p>
                                <div class='magpie-loader'></div>
                            <h1 id='thanks-message' class='magpie-thanks magpie-nodisplay'>${
                            <p id='extra-message' class='magpie-view-text magpie-nodisplay'>
                                <a href="${
                    }" class="magpie-view-button prolific-url">Confirm</a>
        } else if (magpie.deploy.deployMethod === "debug") {
                `<div id='magpie-debug-table-container' class='magpie-view magpie-thanks-view'>
                            <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>Debug Mode</h1>
        } else {
            console.error("No such magpie.deploy.deployMethod");

    slider_rating: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime){
        let response;

        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        response = $("#response");
        // checks if the slider has been changed
        response.on("change", function() {
        response.on("click", function() {

        $("#next").on("click", function() {
            const RT = - startingTime; // measure RT before anything else
            let trial_data = {
                trial_number: CT + 1,
                response: response.val(),
                RT: RT

            trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);

    textbox_input: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime) {
        let next;
        let textInput;
        const minChars =[CT].min_chars === undefined ? 10 :[CT].min_chars;

        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        next = $("#next");
        textInput = $("textarea");

        // attaches an event listener to the textbox input
        textInput.on("keyup", function() {
            // if the text is longer than (in this case) 10 characters without the spaces
            // the 'next' button appears
            if (textInput.val().trim().length > minChars) {
            } else {

        // the trial data gets added to the trial object
        next.on("click", function() {
            const RT = - startingTime; // measure RT before anything else
            let trial_data = {
                trial_number: CT + 1,
                response: textInput.val().trim(),
                RT: RT

            trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);

    dropdown_choice: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime){
        let response;

        const question_left_part =
  [CT].question_left_part === undefined ? "" :[CT].question_left_part;
        const question_right_part =
  [CT].question_right_part === undefined ? "" :[CT].question_right_part;

        $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

        response = $("#response");

        response.on("change", function() {

        $("#next").on("click", function() {
            const RT = - startingTime; // measure RT before anything else
            let trial_data = {
                trial_number: CT + 1,
                question: question_left_part.concat("...answer here...").concat(question_right_part),
                response: response.val(),
                RT: RT

            trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);

    self_paced_reading: function(config, CT, magpie, answer_container_generator, startingTime){

        const sentenceList =[CT].sentence.trim().split(" | ");
        let spaceCounter = 0;
        let wordList;
        let readingTimes = [];
        // wordPos "next" or "same", if "next" words appear next to each other, if "same" all words appear at the same place
        // default: "next"
        let wordPos =[CT].wordPos === undefined ? "next" :[CT].wordPos;
        let showNeighbor = wordPos === "next";
        // underline "words", "sentence" or "none", if "words" every word gets underlined, if "sentence" the sentence gets
        // underlined, if "none" there is no underline
        // default: "words"
        let underline =[CT].underline === undefined ? "words" :[CT].underline;
        let not_underline = underline === "none";
        let one_line = underline === "sentence";

        // shows the sentence word by word on SPACE press
        const handle_key_press = function(e) {

            if (e.which === 32 && spaceCounter < sentenceList.length) {
                if (showNeighbor) {
                } else {
                    $(".magpie-spr-sentence").html(`<span class='spr-word'>${sentenceList[spaceCounter]}</span>`);
                    if (not_underline){
                        $('.magpie-spr-sentence .spr-word').addClass('no-line');

                if (spaceCounter === 0) {

                if (spaceCounter > 0 && showNeighbor) {
                    wordList[spaceCounter - 1].classList.add("spr-word-hidden");

            } else if (e.which === 32 && spaceCounter === sentenceList.length) {
                if (showNeighbor) {
                    wordList[spaceCounter - 1].classList.add("spr-word-hidden");
                } else {

                $(".magpie-view").append(answer_container_generator(config, CT));

                $("input[name=answer]").on("change", function() {
                    const RT = - startingTime;
                    let reactionTimes = readingTimes
                    .reduce((result, current, idx) => {
                        return result.concat(
                            readingTimes[idx + 1] - readingTimes[idx]
                    }, [])
                    .filter((item) => isNaN(item) === false);
                    let trial_data = {
                        trial_number: CT + 1,
                        response: $("input[name=answer]:checked").val(),
                        reaction_times: reactionTimes,
                        time_spent: RT

                    trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);

        // shows the help text

        if (showNeighbor) {
            // creates the sentence
   => {
                    `<span class='spr-word spr-word-hidden'>${word}</span>`

            // creates an array of spr word elements
            wordList = $(".spr-word").toArray();

        if (not_underline){
            $('.magpie-spr-sentence .spr-word').addClass('no-line');
        if (one_line){
            $('.magpie-spr-sentence .spr-word').addClass('one-line');

        // attaches an eventListener to the body for space
        $("body").on("keydown", handle_key_press);

Defining a custom view from scratch

You can also define a custom view from scratch. To do this, create a view template, ideally in file 03_custom_views_templates.js. A view template gets a config object information as input (with relevant information, e.g., URLs for pictures, text to show on each trial etc.). The view template function then returns a view.

Here's a basic scaffolding of a view template:

const custom_view_template = function(config) {
    const view = {
        CT: 0,
        trials: config.trials,
        // The render functions gets the magpie object as well as the current trial in view counter as input
        render: function (CT, magpie) {
            // Here, you can do whatever you want, eventually you should call magpie.findNextView()
            // to proceed to the next view and if it is an trial type view,
            // you should save the trial information with magpie.trial_data.push(trial_data)
    // We have to return the view, so that it can be used in 05_views.js
    return view;

A view is an object, that obligatorily has the properties:

  • name: the view's name
  • CT: the view's current trial (the counter of how many times this view occurred in the experiment, initialized to 0)
  • trials: the maximum number of times this view is repeated
  • render: a function that is called to create each trial of the view

The most important part is the render function. It gets CT and the magpie-object itself as input. has to call magpie.findNextView() eventually to proceed to the next view (or the next trial in this view). If data is to be saved from any given trial, you would need to collect the data as an object, e.g., named trial_data and store it for later output by calling magpie.trial_data.push(trial_data).

Here's a full example from the showroom:

// In this view the user can click on one of two buttons
const custom_press_a_button = function(config) {
    const view = {
        CT: 0,
        trials: config.trials,
        // The render functions gets the magpie object as well as the current trial in view counter as input
        render: function (CT, magpie) {
            // Here, you can do whatever you want, eventually you should call magpie.findNextView()
            // to proceed to the next view and if it is an trial type view,
            // you should save the trial information with magpie.trial_data.push(trial_data)

            // Normally, you want to display some kind of html, to do this you append your html to the main element
            // You could use one of our predefined html-templates, with (magpie.)stimulus_container_generators["<view_name>"](config, CT)
            $("main").html(`<div class='magpie-view'>
                <h1 class='magpie-view-title'>Click on one of the buttons!</h1>
                <button id="first" class='magpie-view-button'>First Button</button>
                <button id="second" class='magpie-view-button'>Second Button</button>

            // This function will handle  the response
            const handle_click = function(e) {
                // We will just save the response and continue to the next view
                let trial_data = {
                    trial_number: CT + 1,
                // Often it makes sense to also save the config information
                // trial_data = magpieUtils.view.save_config_trial_data([CT], trial_data);

                // Here, we save the trial_data

                // Now, we will continue with the next view

            // We will add the handle_click functions to both buttons
            $('#first').on("click", handle_click);
            $('#second').on("click", handle_click);

            // That's everything for this view
    // We have to return the view, so that it can be used in 05_views.js
    return view;