
Each magpie trial type view can make use of magpie's mouse tracking functionality. This can happen in two ways:

  1. The trial type view integrates mousetracking on its own
  2. Mouse tracking is manually added to a trial type view
How to add mouse tracking to a trial

To record all mouse movement after the stimulus has been presented, regardless of which kind of view, simply add the autostart option to your view configuration.

For example:

const main_block = magpieViews.view_generator("forced_choice", {
  trials: main_trials.length,
  name: 'main_trials',
  data: main_trials,
  mousetracking: {
    autostart: true,

When implementing custom views, you can start mouse tracking by calling[CT].mousetracking.start().

mousetracking.start([origin: {x: int, y: int}])

The start function optionally takes an origin argument that defines the coordinate origin relative to which mouse coordinates will be recorded.

Tracking rate

You can specify the minimum temporal resolution for the mouse tracking module in miliseconds using the rate config option. The default is 15ms. This is only the upper limit, however. Magpie may temporarily record data points at a higher rate.

const main_block = magpieViews.view_generator("forced_choice", {
  trials: main_trials.length,
  name: 'main_trials',
  data: main_trials,
  mousetracking: {
    autostart: true,
    rate: 50
Result fields

Whenever mouse tracking is enabled, you will find four new properties in your result data:

  • mousetrackingTime: int[] - The time coordinates of the mouse path in miliseconds since the start
  • mousetrackingX: int[] - The x coordinates of the mouse path
  • mousetrackingY: int[] - The y coordinates of the mouse path
  • mousetrackingDuration: int - The total time the mouse was tracked for
  • mousetrackingStartTime: int - The start time of mouse tracking in miliseconds since the UNIX epoch (1970-01-01)