Trial randomization

In the Departure Point example, trials for the first part (forced choice) are presented in a fixed order: every participant will always see the trials in exactly the order defined in 04_trials.js. This is because we supplied the trial data like so in the file 05_views.js:

const task_one_2AFC = magpieViews.forcedChoice({
    data: part_one_trial_info.forced_choice

Often, we would like to randomize the trial order in some way or other. One simple way of doing this is to present trials in an entirely random sequence for each realization of the experiment. This could be realized like so:

const task_one_2AFC = magpieViews.forcedChoice({
    data: _.shuffle(part_one_trial_info.forced_choice)

The function _.shuffle() takes an array as input and returns a shuffled copy of that array. This function comes from the lodash library, which is loaded by default. lodash provides a number of useful convenience functions.

If you want to realize more complex randomization schemes, the functions from the lodash library are very useful. Simply massage your trials into the desired shape before creating your view instances.