Advantages of _magpie


_magpie experiments are based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript and so can be executed in any modern browser. This enables researchers to just share a link for anyone to inspect or take part in the experiment.


Unlike many other frameworks for browser-based behavioral experiments, _magpie has full flexibility. It does not constrain the user to certain operations, trial structures or design choices. Anything that can be realized in a responsive web application, can be realized as well. To guide the development of experiments, _magpie simply offers a flexible and extensible architecture for how to structure your experiment and many fully functional experiments which can serve as a template.


_magpie is not restricted to be used with just one way of deployment, i.e., one way of recruiting and running your experiments. Only minimal changes are needed in a central configuration file to use the same browser-based experiment in a lab or for use with, say, Amazon’s MechanicalTurk or Prolific.


_magpie allows for the realization of dynamic experiments where the content of the experiment that a participant sees is dynamically generated based on the data that previous participants have supplied.